If quitting smoking was easy, would you do it today?
If you just answered YES, then you’re in the right place. Because this article will show you how to quit smoking naturally and easily.
And I know a part of you does want to stop smoking.
Maybe you want to know how to quit smoking naturally because smoking has started harming your health…
…You have sudden chest pains, climbing up the stairs exhausts you, you don’t breathe effortlessly anymore, your voice is turning hoarse…
Perhaps your children or grandchildren told you they are afraid of losing you because of your habit. And that scares you because you want to be there for your loved ones.
Maybe you have lost someone to smoking and that made you realize that the danger is very real.
Or maybe, you’ve started seeing smoking for the poison it really is, and you don’t want to be addicted anymore.
All smokers have their own reasons for wanting to stop.
But they don’t want to suffer. Or feel deprived for the rest of their lives.
Instead, they want to quit smoking without missing cigarettes ever again.
They want to want to quit.
They want the best way to quit smoking.
Well, if that’s what you’ve been looking for…
You’ve finally found it…
This article is for you if you want to grow to a non-smoker; not force yourself to become one.
Because it will show you how to quit smoking naturally and easily so you can get back your health, wealth, and peace of mind.
But before we get into that answer, let me make something very clear.
I understand that at the moment…The mere thought of quitting might overflow you with hesitation, anxiety, and fear.
So I am going to ask you to put that hesitation aside -just for now.
Why You Need a New Best Way to Quit Smoking Naturally
You see — all smokers who are trying to quit, find themselves at various levels of STUCK. I’ve been there too.
There’s just so many things to change, so many habits to reverse and so much fear about how we can cope with life without our cigarettes!
And with all the methods and products out there, that overpromise and under-deliver, quitting gets really frustrating — and extremely hard.
Don’t you think?
But it is not your fault …Like I say in my TED talk, what you need is a quit smoking solution that makes quitting what it’s supposed to be: easy!
When I was a smoker, I tried to stop many times, and I am not ashamed to admit that I failed miserably every single one of them.
No matter what approach I used.
I felt smoking was my crutch, my stress-aid, and my friend through hard times. I couldn’t imagine my life without it.
Or, at least, that’s what I told myself.
After I discovered how to quit smoking naturally without feeling stressed and deprived, something great happened:
I smoked my last cigarette, and I felt so happy and free, that I only wished I had done it sooner. (But I will leave this story for another time)
The important thing is that the over 8,400 ex-smokers who’ve used my method, felt the exact same happiness when they quit.
And you can feel it too. As long as you decide to say goodbye to the cigarette friend.
Now you might be thinking, “Well, once you get hooked it’s very hard to let go. It’s difficult to stop smoking.”
But why is it so difficult to stop?
Why Quitting Smoking Seems Hard
Reason #1 (and only):
You Try to Quit while You still Desire a Cigarette.
Let me explain.
Most smokers believe they enjoy or even love smoking.
At the same time, they want to quit because smoking has taken a toll on their health, pocket, and freedom.
So here’s what happens:
You want to stop smoking. You have the desire to quit.
But you also have another desire: the desire to smoke.
So you experience a conflict of desires. You are torn.
Your desire to smoke comes from all the benefits you think you get from smoking.
Think about it.
The reason you like smoking is because you believe it helps you cope with stress and boredom, socialize, enjoy life, take a mental break, keep your hands busy, concentrate, enjoy your “me-time” or even manage your weight.
So why is it so hard to stop?
Well, because on some level you are afraid that if you quit you will lose all those benefits.
Understand this.
The FEAR of feeling anxiety, deprivation, boredom and the fear of losing a source of enjoyment… and the pure habit of holding a cigarette…are the REASONS why you keep on smoking.
And as long as you have reasons to smoke, you will always desire a cigarette.
The problem? When you attempt to quit while still desiring cigarettes…
…one thing is bound to happen:
You will quit fearing that the desire to smoke will never go away. And that this feeling of “something missing,” will leave you forever deprived.
I have to tell you, feeling deprived will drag you back to smoking at the drop of a hat.
What makes quitting even harder is forcing ourselves to NOT smoke.
Because when we use our willpower, we suffer.
See, our willpower can’t remove our desire for smoking. The desire for smoking is strong because smoking is an addiction.
And our willpower is LIMITED.
So we cannot try to fight our desire to smoke and our addiction with willpower.
It’s simply not a fair fight.
It’s hard.
But if willpower can’t fight our desire to smoke, what do we do?
The only real cure for smoking is not to resist our urge but to obliterate it.
Removing our desire to smoke from the core is the only easy way to quit smoking naturally.
If you try to stop smoking without removing your desire to smoke, then quitting will be extremely hard.
And even if you do quit for a short period of time, you will be feeling deprived and miserable without cigarettes.
Makes sense, right?
But if you think about it… Which method actually removes your desire for a cigarette?
Using the Common Quit Smoking Approaches
If you have ever tried to stop smoking with willpower or other traditional ways, you probably found it very hard to remain smoke-free.
Here’s why:
Nicotine Products (Nicotine Replacement Therapy + Vaping)
Let’s take nicotine products as an example.
- Stop smoking patches
- Nicotine gums
- Lozenges
- Nicotine inhalers
- And vaping…
ALL keep you addicted to nicotine.
These stop smoking aids don’t remove your desire for your smokes.
In fact, they intensify this desire.
Plus, substituting cigarettes with other forms of nicotine makes you feel that you are making a sacrifice by quitting.
So when you stop taking these products, you still feel deprived.
And… You end up smoking again.
Cold Turkey
You may wonder how going cold turkey works out.
When we use our willpower to stop smoking, what we’re actually doing is this:
We first stop smoking and then wait for our desire to smoke to magically fade away by itself.
But it doesn’t.
Instead, we feel deprived, and the thought of a cigarette becomes even more precious.
And sure, you can “tough it,” for a short while, but you can’t go through life always putting effort to resisting a cigarette!!
That’s not how smoke-free life is supposed to be like.
Smoking Pills
And let’s not forget smoking pills like Zyban or Chantix.
These chemicals might stop you from smoking for a while.
But they don’t remove the reasons why you smoke. Your desire for a cigarette is still there.
So what do you think happens few days after you stop taking the pills?
That’s right. You have a nice smelly cigarette.
So what’s the answer?
The Best and Easiest Way to Quit Smoking Naturally
What all the above approaches have in common is this:
They only try to stop you from smoking cigarettes for a short period.
They don’t remove the fears that keep you lighting up one cigarette after the other.
All the reasons you want to smoke, are still there.
No wonder why quitting seems hard.
Don’t get me wrong. The above methods have helped many smokers quit. This doesn’t mean, though, that they are the easiest and most successful ways to stop smoking.
It’s like catching a cold and trying to find the right cure. There may be many ways to fight a cold.
But would you rather use an outdated medicine that has helped few people in the past?
Or use the newest discovery that guarantees you will be cured in the easiest way without any side-effects?
The second of course!
And knowing how to quit smoking naturally is no different.
Please listen. No matter how you choose to quit, you need to know this:
The best way to stop smoking is to stop desiring a cigarette BEFORE you actually stop smoking.
Here’s Why:
- It’s Stress- Free: when you stop enjoying smoking before you quit, you don’t experience stressful cravings.
And you don’t overthink about the situations where you can’t smoke.
So you don’t feel anxious when you don’t have a cigarette.
Because there is nothing to miss.
- It’s Permanent: when you stop desiring cigarettes, you don’t have any cravings.
And you don’t even notice your physical withdrawal from nicotine!
So you don’t experience withdrawal symptoms like weight gain, irritation, loss of concentration, headaches or fatigue…
Because there are no cravings to cause them in the first place.
- It’s Easy: when you stop craving a smoke before you quit, you can’t possibly feel deprived without cigarettes.
Plus you don’t need to use willpower to stop yourself from smoking.
Because again, there’s nothing to resist.
At this point, you’re probably wondering how you can remove your desire to smoke.
Is there a method that does exactly that?
That eliminates your desire for smoking BEFORE you actually extinguish your last cigarette?
Yes, there is!
It’s the CBQ quit smoking method.
The Cognitive Behavioral Quitting method – CBQ – is a unique sequence of simple scientific techniques that remove your need to smoke.
The CBQ has been developed over a decade of research and testing with the sole purpose of helping smokers quit permanently without:
•Stress & Anxiety
•Feelings of deprivation
•Gaining weight
•And without nicotine substitutes and medications.
It has a 94% success rate.
85% of smokers quit permanently on their first attempt, and 9% quit on their second or third attempt.
Over 8,400 smokers have been cured of smoking using the CBQ method.
And it can work for you too!
The CBQ can work for you no matter how long you’ve been smoking, how much you smoke and how much you believe you enjoy or need smoking.
And if you believe the saying “Once a smoker, always a smoker” let me reassure you that it is a myth.
Being a smoker has been a part of who you are for so long… I get it.
But that doesn’t mean that it has to stay that way.
Think about it like this. At some point in your life, you were a teenager. Now you are not.
Do you ever think to yourself “Once a teenager, always a teenager?”
Of course not. Your teens was a phase of your life that passed and gave way to better and greater things.
The same goes for smoking.
Every smoker has the innate ability to become a happy non-smoker…As long as they use a quit smoking method that works.
So why does the CBQ method work?
How to Quit Smoking Naturally with the 4 Stages of the CBQ Method
After researching, studying and modeling the psychology of addiction, I found the exact 4 mental, physical and behavioral stages of quitting smoking. Going through them… is the key to quit smoking naturally and easily.
In other words, the CBQ method works, because it follows the exact 4 stages, our brain gets attached or detached, from a habit or addiction.
Skip one of these stages, and you are guaranteed to fail, or relapse after a while.
But follow these 4 stages, in the right sequence, and you will see your desire for a smoke fade away, day after day. You will see yourself cutting down on your smoking- effortlessly. It’s science.
The 4 stages of quitting smoking are very simple.
The name of each stage starts with the letter “C”, so a simple way to remember them is by calling them “the 4Cs.”
They are:
Stage 1. Choose to Quit
This stage prepares you to quit so you can make a real decision and commit to quitting smoking.
Ok, let’s say you made a real firm decision to quit. Now, what? Do you just try to resist cigarettes with willpower or buy a pack of nicotine gums?
Stage 2. Change Your Mindset
In this stage, you change how you think about smoking and remove the fears stopping you from becoming a non-smoker so you can believe that quitting is possible and believe that you can do it.
Believing that you CAN stop smoking is key to succeeding.
Stage 3. Change Your Smoking Pattern
In this stage, you break your smoking habit, eliminate your desire for smoking and smoke your last cigarette.
A big part of this stage is knowing how to cope with your emotions and feel relaxed without a cigarette.
Stage 4. Condition Your Smoke-Free Life.
This stage ensures you remain a happy non-smoker for the rest of your life without feeling deprived, suffering from stress and gaining weight.
Now, you know the 4 essential stages you need to follow so you can quit smoking naturally.
But follow the sequence (Choose-Cultivate-Change-Condition). Don’t mix up the stages.
My team and I have tested this method again and again on all kinds of smokers.
And I can promise you this:
Following these steps in the right sequence will take you from a lifetime of smoking to a healthy smoke-free life radiant with joy. A life you deserve!
Best thing? They are incredibly easy.
How to Start Your Quit Smoking Journey (and make it easy)?
As you probably know by now, the easiest way to stop smoking is by following the 4 stages of the CBQ method.
So if you want to quit smoking successfully without missing cigarettes ever again, click here to access the Foundational Video of the CBQ Method
In this free video I show you:
- What you need to do in each stage
- And how you can use the CBQ method, starting today.
This is 100% free.
All you need to do is put your name and email address so I can send you the video.
And if you’re someone who’s just tired of trying to quit and failing, then there’s a special free gift waiting for you at the end of that video.
Get the Foundational Video of the CBQ Method now.
PS: Leave a comment below and let me know which of the 4 stages was missing from your past quit attempts?
I’ve been a smoker since I was concibe. On 2016 I quit and was smoke free for 1yr 3mo. When Hurricane Maria hit our island, a very stressful moment, I started again. Also, 6 months after quitting I was diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer in stage 3. Five years later still under treatment with oral quimo. Right now I really don’t know why I smoke (fear, routine, others). In the last months I’ve been playing with the idea of becoming a smoke free person. I think I’m ready to start. Thanks, thanks, thanks…
I so appreciate you sharing the logic of addiction to help me understand what needs to happen first to be successful! I have tried all the nicotine replacements, the pills and cold turkey and I've always reverted back to smoking-so very frustrating. They were all temporary fixes that 'may' have worked while taking them but did not sustain me afterwards. I even tried hypnoses with no positive results. This is all so logical and scientifically sound advice AND its free-I love it!!! And best of all look forward to be smoke free very soon!!!
Want to quit
I want to quit.
Same with me! Tried everything nothing helped.
The change part is what scares me if I can do that. I hope so.
Thank you
My past efforts to quit smoking have failed because I didn't develop new coping skills.
I so need to quit I have copd
I'd like to try this method
This is a friend who is trying to quit and is vaping. I know she could use this to quit because I myself have quit for over a year now and I can see this working. Thank You ! Please send her your video
I have tried lots of times with all different methods but always go back to smoking I seriously need to quit for good for health reasons
What is CBQ!
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I love your unique take on this subject!