Happy “Spotlight Day”! I’m excited to share with you this week’s most inspiring success stories and tips from the CBQ community!
Let’s dive in.
Inspiring Success
CBQ Program member Carolyn Fares from California, US, celebrated 2 years smoke-free and celebrated her 60th birthday!
Carolyn used to consider herself a “professional quitter” (after trying everything from gums to Chantix), and even though she could quit smoking, she always felt miserable without cigarettes and ended up relapsing. As you know, every relapse comes with lots of disappointment and frustration, and it’s hard to try to quit again. But after Carolyn discovered the CBQ Program, she decided to try one last time.
This is what happened:
“This program is truly life changing. I don’t even think about cigarettes at all anymore. It’s crazy!!”
“Quitting gives you the keys to a new life. No more waking myself up in the middle of every night telling myself I’m a failure. Instead quitting has given me so much self confidence to do many things. I am also so much happier about life (the program teaches us to have gratitude and choose to look at things positively). It’s a mindset reset. I live in the present. I can mentally focus better on tasks. Physically, I can breathe better. I bought an exercise bike, I go for walks. There are things I can’t do but that’s okay because there’s lots I can. I am a much happier and positive person now.”
And this is what she shared about her 2-year milestone:
Inspiring Milestone
CBQ Program member Blatnaid Gallagher from Dublin, Ireland, celebrated 7 years smoke-free!
Blatnaid was a smoker for over 30 years and loved cigarettes. This is what she previously shared on the CBQ Method Success Page (You can also watch her Ask An Ex interview here)
“I LOVED to smoke especially when having a drink with friends. It was part of me, part of my fun, my escape, my friend, my go to release… I tried nicotine patches, nicotine gum, Zyban, Champix, Cold turkey and vaping. NOTHING eased the pain, the loss, anxiety and the horrible feeling I got during the process of quitting. OH YES!!! I almost forgot, I also tried hypnotherapy and I joined a QUIT line support group. Every time I quit, I began grieving for my cigarettes.”
After waking up one day with a throat like “sandpaper,” she decided to join the CBQ Program and make a change.
“That was in 2017 and guess what… I am a NON SMOKING, life loving, HAPPY and I mean very HAPPY lady. I used the CBQ Method and by day 10, I was so excited about getting my life back.”
This is Blatnaid with her quit smoking success certificate:
You can watch Blatnaid sharing her story in this Ask An Ex Episode!
Tip of the Week
This week’s tip comes from CBQ Program member Leah Himbeault from Alberta, Canada, who has been smoke-free since August 29, 2024. In less than 3 months, Leah has already saved over $900.
This is what Leah shared with the CBQ Method Facebook group:
“Honestly just start!! Do each day and redo each day if you have to. Take as long as you need to make it stick!!
The program will honestly take care of the rest. Work the program for the full 12 days. It works!! I did it and felt terrified.
Good luck!”
As always, I want to say a huge thank you to our amazing CBQ Program members who have given me permission to share their stories!