Welcome to episode #8 of Ask an Ex.
In this interview, the wonderful Robin Redmond from Massachusetts shares her story of how she quit smoking a pack a day after 45 years with the CBQ Method.
Robin quit more than 3 years ago on June 15, 2017. Like many smokers, she had a healthy lifestyle and diet outside of smoking, but one day she ended up in the ER due to early onset of COPD.
That was when she knew smoking had to do.
She made a few serious attempts using the nicotine patch and other methods to no avail, and in this interview, she shares how she succeeded.
Tune in to watch:
• How her life changed after quitting smoking (including her COPD)
• How she went from missing smoking to knowing she’d never smoke again.
• How she copes with stress as a non-smoker.
• Which part of the CBQ program helped her the most.
• What quitting smoking taught her & her advice to smokers.
About Ask An Ex
ASK AN EX is a new interview series. Each interview features an inspiring ex-smoker who succeeded with the CBQ Method ™
And they tell you everything – how they did it, what helped them, what challenged them, their fears, motivations and aspirations.
Because the best person to ask about quitting smoking, is an Ex who’s been exactly where you are right now.
Every EX shares their unique perspective and wisdom on quitting smoking (because everyone has a unique mix of background, mindset, and experiences).
And they do it for 1 reason: to help YOU become an EX too.