Happy Spotlight Day! I’m excited to share with you this week’s news and most inspiring stories and tips from the CBQ community!
Let’s dive into this week’s spotlights!
Inspiring Success – Vaping
CBQ Program member Amber McKinney from Texas, US, celebrated 2 years nicotine-free! Amber was addicted to nicotine for 20 years. She never really tried to quit vaping because she didn’t believe she could. After seeing success stories from CBQ Program members, she decided to join the program and succeeded!
“I remember seeing all the success stories when I was in the beginning phase of my path to freedom and thinking how in the world am I going to do this lol…not sure where you’re at in your journey but you can do it one breath at a time!”
Now Amber is a happy non-vaper and enjoying beautiful glowing skin and healthy lungs!
“I’m free of nicotine (20 year addiction) and an extremely happy non-vaper! Your program is incredible and saved my life. My skin is loving the increased blood flow and all the oxygen. Life after nicotine is so peaceful.
Once you’ve seen the truth about Big Nicotine and all it’s lies, it’s challenging to unsee it. I was worried about alcohol but I realize that’s a limiting belief now.”
“For those on the program, don’t rush yourself! If you need to spend more than 1 day on a certain topic, do it. It can take time to really let the material sink into your brain and re-wire how you think.”
This is the amazing Amber with her CBQ Success Certificate:
Inspiring Milestone
This week, CBQ Program member Carolyn Curtis from Ohio, US, celebrated 4 years smoke-free! Carolyn’s journey started with the belief it could work out.
After smoking for 45 years and trying every approach, Carolyn knew she needed a plan to succeed, and she knew the CBQ Program was that plan for her. She was proven right!
This is what Carolyn posted on her quit date (Day 10 of the CBQ Program)
Tip of the Week
This week’s tip comes from CBQ Program member Paula Beck Ashley from California, US, who has been smoke-free since March 17, 2024!
Paula’s powerful tips for success and choosing your quit date:
“I smoked for over 50 years and I didn’t flip out. Instead of fear, try turning it into excitement. Something to look forward to. We all have the nicotine demon inside us, tempting us, telling us things we don’t want to hear. When this happens, change your thoughts like changing the channel on tv. Or, go for a walk, change your environment, take deep cleansing breaths. You need to slay that demon and be a better person for it! I am now going on 10 months of being a Happy Non-Smoker!!! I didn’t think I would ever get here! One other thing I did was to put post-it notes in the areas where I smoked. I smoked outside, so I put them on the door. The post-it notes had phrases as to why I wanted, or needed, to stop! JUST STOP!!! Stop overthinking it and just do it! I had to postpone my quit date a week until I totally understood the difference between will power and mind power.”
A big thank you to all our members who shared their stories! I hope this week’s spotlights inspired you and showed you that you too can succeed.
All the best,
P.S. Feeling inspired to break up with nicotine… but don’t know how ready you are to say goodbye? Take this quiz to find out how ready you are to quit smoking in 2025:
This free assessment will reveal your “Readiness to Quit Smoking” score, show you how close you are to success, identify what might be sabotaging your efforts, and suggest the next best step to take. It’s insightful, personalized, and quick!
Start Your “How ready are you to quit smoking in 2025?” Quiz Here