The CBQ Program Turns You Into a Happy Non-Smoker for Life… Without Stress, Without Willpower and Without Weight Gain
Based on a doctor-recommended, science-based method that changes how your brain thinks and experiences smoking so you can quit smoking easily in as little as 10 days
Join the revolutionary program that has helped hundreds of thousands of smokers become mentally and physically free from smoking.

Today you’re going to discover a multi-award-winning program that turns you into a happy non-smoker in as fast as 10 days...
By the time you finish reading this message, you’ll be filled with confidence and hope…
Because you’ll know that you’re never going to be controlled by your smoking addiction again...
Now you can be smoke-free…
- even if you've been a smoker for decades...
- even if every other method you tried has failed you...
- and even if you have zero willpower or self-control when it comes to smoking...
Because the CBQ Program removes the REAL reason you smoke – and that’s not your physical addiction.
The CBQ Program actually changes how you think and experience smoking so you no longer have the desire to light one up.
If you’ve been struggling with quitting… and you’re sick and tired of relapsing again and again…
Then it’s almost certain the CBQ Program will change your life – because by the end of it you will actually detest cigarettes.
And if this doesn’t happen, you can ask for 100% of your money back with a simple email to our friendly customer support.
So you can get started today... experience the program that has helped hundreds of thousands break free from smoking once and for all... without any worries.
Nasia Davos
Just imagine yourself, ten days from now...
Imagine a moment you usually smoke:
It could be with your coffee...
It could be while driving…
It could be when you’re out with friends...
But this time… you’re not holding a cigarette.
Not because you’re trying to quit.
But because you’re already a non-smoker.
You are the one in control, not cigarettes.
In fact, your cravings have disappeared.
The desire to light one up... GONE!
When others around you are smoking, you’re not even jealous.
You’re a happy non-smoker.
You no longer catch yourself thinking: “Just one more cigarette won’t matter.”
Because you don’t even want one.
You’ve finally beaten your addiction demon and reclaimed your freedom.
Think how much better your life can be when...
You can focus WITHOUT a cigarette…
You can relax WITHOUT a cigarette…
You can finally have fun and enjoy life to the fullest WITHOUT a cigarette.
Day after day, your breathing is getting easier. Your senses of taste and smell are getting better. Your health is already improving.
And you did it in only 10 days with the CBQ Program – the only program that uses the CBQ Method to turn you into a happy non-smoker.
The CBQ Method was created by Nasia Davos, an ex-smoker, psychologist, certified life coach and smoking cessation counselor.
Nasia took everything she knew about smoking cessation... and put it into an easy to follow program.
With the CBQ Program already hundreds of thousands have become happy non-smokers for life:
I’ve quit several times through the last 50 years. I’m so very grateful to have found your CBQ method! I quit on April 11th 19 and am confident I will never smoke again. For me the key was to commit and follow through. Your method was perfect for me. The 10 days of the class I always found myself smiling as I turned on the video and saw your face and heard “hi, I’m Nasia!” How lovely to be a non smoker!
I’ve quit several times through the last 50 years. I’m so very grateful to have found your CBQ method! I quit on April 11th 19 and am confident I will never smoke again. For me the key was to commit and follow through. Your method was perfect for me. The 10 days of the class I always found myself smiling as I turned on the video and saw your face and heard “hi, I’m Nasia!” How lovely to be a non smoker!
I'm delighted to tell you that I'm a happy nonsmoker since July 15th 2019 🙂
Thanks to the great program you and the team put together! I'll be forever grateful.
I'm delighted to tell you that I'm a happy nonsmoker since July 15th 2019 🙂
Thanks to the great program you and the team put together! I'll be forever grateful.
Last smoke on March 30th 2019, don't really think about it anymore!
Last smoke on March 30th 2019, don't really think about it anymore!
These are just a few of the stories from real people like you who finally quit with the CBQ Program.
Nasia has made it her mission to help as many people as possible to become smoke-free for life.
You see, Nasia used to be a smoker herself.
That’s how she’s been able to reach, understand and help even the most addicted smokers.
She tried many times to quit to no avail.
She finally did it when she realized…
The REAL Reason Why You Couldn’t Quit Smoking
Most smokers think their biggest barrier is nicotine addiction.
But nicotine is not the reason you can’t stop smoking…
The reason is you believe smoking helps you…
That’s why more willpower or pushing yourself harder is never the answer.
Because it’s not nicotine that creates your desire to smoke. It’s your belief that smoking offers you something.
You believe smoking helps you cope with the ups and downs of life.
Does that sound like you?
Before I explain how this belief is created (and how you can remove it so you can quit)… let me prove to you that nicotine addiction is not a problem.
Do you wake up in the middle of the night for no other reason but to have a cigarette?
I guess the answer is no.
Your body doesn’t wake you up for nicotine, like it does for water or to go to the bathroom.
In fact, a study from the University of Pennsylvania found that nicotine leaves the body after 1 to 5 days without cigarettes.
That confirms that smoking is a weak physical addiction.
You can easily overcome it. You have done it in the past…
But as long as you think about smoking as something beneficial, you will have craving thoughts. Thoughts like:
“I need to smoke”
“A cigarette would make me feel better now”
“One more cigarette won’t matter”
These thoughts create your desire to smoke.
Bottom line: Smoking is a mental addiction.
Your mental addiction is also the reason…
Why Other Quit Smoking Methods Didn’t Work For You
Here’s how every method out there tries to make you quit:
Some methods try to replace your nicotine addiction…
Some methods rely on mere willpower…
And other methods remind you how bad smoking is (as if you didn’t know) …
In short, other methods might focus on your nicotine addiction… or try to scare you… but they don’t deal with your desire to smoke.
The only way to remove that desire and quit is to change how your brain thinks and experiences smoking…
But what creates these positive thoughts about smoking in the first place?
It’s something called triggers. Triggers make you think and desire a cigarette.
Different people have different triggers.
But every smoker reacts the same to them. They make you want to smoke…
Here are some common ones:
Having coffee is a common smoking trigger
Having a drink with friends is another smoking trigger
Getting stressed is also a smoking trigger
Your triggers are everyday activities. You can’t remove them from your life.
But when you do any of these activities… you start thinking that smoking would help you enjoy or cope with that situation.
Then this thought creates a craving – an intense desire for smoking.
And finally your desire pushes you to smoke.
It’s like a chain:
Research shows triggers make us more likely to relapse than withdrawal symptoms.
So if you could deal with your triggers, quitting would be easier. Right?
The Only Effective Way to Remove Your Mental Addiction to Smoking
As you just saw, your mental addiction creates your desire for smoking.
As long as you think you need to smoke to relax, concentrate, or have fun, you’re mentally addicted.
So the only way to quit smoking is to change how you think about smoking. To change your smoking thoughts after you encounter a trigger. Turn those positive smoking thoughts into neutral or negative smoking thoughts.
In fact, when you do that your smoking cravings and desire go away. So quitting smoking becomes stress-free, permanent and easy.
Here’s why:
Stress-Free: when you remove your desire to smoke before you quit, you don’t experience stressful cravings. And you don’t overthink about the situations where you can’t smoke. So you don’t feel anxious when you don’t have a cigarette. Because there is nothing to miss.
Permanent: when you stop desiring cigarettes, you don’t have any cravings. If you don’t think (positively) about smoking… you don’t even notice physical withdrawal! So you don’t overeat or lose your concentration… Because there are no cravings to cause them in the first place.
Easy: when you stop craving a smoke before you quit, you can’t possibly feel deprived without cigarettes. Plus you don’t need to use willpower to stop yourself from smoking. Because again, there’s nothing to resist. It’s effortless.
Here’s What People Who Changed How They Think About Smoking Say About Their Experience
"I really just don’t miss smoking"
My husband and I both quit on our target date which was October 8, 2019. Neither of us have had a cigarette since. We’ve both quit before and struggled with the cravings. Those have been so minimal with your program. We’ve both been under an extreme amount of stress in the last month and we did not go for a cigarette. I would not have done that in the past.
I still can’t believe how easy it was to quit on your program.
When I saw your Ted Talk, there was something that told me that this might work for me. I love the fact that I quit and didn’t need any kind of nicotine substitute and I really just don’t miss smoking.
Pam & Ken Michon
Louisiana, United States
"I feel amazing"
Smokefree since 2018. I feel amazing. I prayed for help and I truly believe my prayers were answered...This program is AWESOME, but you definitely have to believe in yourself and do it with full dedication and success will happen for all of us. I can not thank you enough Nasia Davos. I feel like you are here with me and I have all the support in the world...This program is well worth the money. I feel so grateful to have come across it.
LaTonya StillgotIt Butler
Washington, United States
"The magic happened"
Having smoked most of my adult life, I was desperate to quit but did not know how. I hated how smoking held me back from feeling free to enjoy my life. Discovering the CBQ program and believing in Nasia Davos’ technique was a genuine awakening. I fully invested myself in following all the instructions and once I understood my thought processes and behaviors, the MAGIC happened.
I am very proud to announce that I will never smoke again. I wish the same success to everyone who is reading this. Nasia Davos, thank you for this genius CBQ Method. Gratefully yours always.
Vicki Coblentz
Montreal, Canada
Meet Nasia Davos
The Psychologist Who Discovered The Secret of Happy Non-Smokers
Nasia Davos (MBPsS, IPPA, BSc, MA) is an ex-smoker, author, TEDx speaker, Licensed Master NLP Practitioner with a BSc in Psychology and an MA in Psychoanalysis. She is a Certified NLP Life Coach, Smoking Cessation Practitioner Certified by NSCST, graduate member of the British Psychological Society, and member of the Red Cross.
Initially, Nasia was a smoker who didn’t care about quitting. She enjoyed smoking. She thought that smoking helped her cope with stress and savour life’s little moments.
But when she lost her favourite cousin to cancer from smoking, she realized she had to quit.
She was as motivated as one can be. She tried every method out there… but she failed every time.
But she didn’t give up. She looked for new solutions.
She searched for what really makes people quit. She did research on smokers’ psychology, addiction and habit formation.
More importantly, she interviewed happy non-smokers to find what they had in common. What was their secret?
Nearly a decade ago, she found out that all happy non-smokers had changed how they think about smoking. So she set out to look for a way to recreate that experience for herself.
That’s how she discovered the exact 4 mental and behavioral stages of quitting smoking. By going through these 4 stages she finally removed her mental addiction and quit smoking easily and permanently.
Her next step was to show her friends how to quit too. Everyone who used her method became a happy non-smoker.
That was the moment Nasia knew she had developed a powerful quit smoking method.
So she started teaching it with great success.
Over the last decade, Nasia and the CBQ team have been refining and perfecting this 4-stage method to what is now the CBQ method, which has reached and helped millions of smokers become happy non-smokers for life.
Today it's her mission to help all smokers become happy non-smokers. Her TEDx talk on the 4 quit smoking stages of the CBQ Method has over 820,000 views.
But the biggest proof this method works is all the people who have succeeded with it.
Nasia on TEDx stage – her talk has been viewed over 820,000 times
Newspapers, magazines and websites are writing about Nasia and the CBQ Method
Nasia with American author and co-creator of the Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), Dr. Richard Bandler.
Introducing The CBQ Method
The Only Method That Scientifically Deals With Your Mental Addiction
The CBQ method changes how you think about smoking so you will stop wanting to smoke.
The CBQ method is simple and easy to follow. It doesn’t force you to make big changes to your life. Instead it makes small changes to your thinking that lead to big results.
Step by step, it changes how you think and experience smoking so you become a happy non-smoker for life.
It turns positive smoking thoughts into neutral or negative smoking thoughts.
This way you remove your desire to smoke and cravings. So you can quit without using any extra willpower, without getting stressed and without gaining weight.
That’s why the CBQ has a high success rate – over 94%*
The CBQ method has 94% success rate based on our 60-day full money back guarantee from customers who claimed the CBQ did not work for them. Our success rate is calculated from the people who have purchased our smoking cessation program and does not include all the smokers who have quit using our free resources, webinars, and trainings. Our success rate is calculated every six months and may be subject to change. of people successfully quit smoking, compared to an average of 7% of other methods.
The CBQ method has been featured in numerous places like VeryWell Mind, TED talks, The Huffington Post , Healthable, The National Herald and more.
“This method is very good.”
– Dr. Behrakis (MD, PhD, Mc Gill, FCCP) Pulmonologist-Intensivist, President of the Scientific Committee of European Network for Smoking and Tobacco Prevention, member of the Board of Regents of the American College of Chest Physicians (ACCP) and former Adjunct Professor at Harvard.
“The CBQ method is effective and has made a difference in my patients and people all over the world. I highly recommend Nasia Davos.”
– Dr. Zoe Vlamaki (MD,FRCS) Consultant General and Breast Surgeon at NHS Trust UK, Representative of Global Greek Doctors Institute in the UK (G.G.D.I), certified by the American Board of Surgery, professional member of the Royal College of Surgeons of England, the Society of Laparoendoscopic Surgeons, and the American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery.
How the CBQ Method Works in Action
The CBQ Method™ has 4 stages that turn a smoker into a happy non smoker. These 4 stages are the same stages our brain goes through when it creates a habit or addiction.
But the CBQ method works in reverse. It goes through the 4 stages to remove your smoking habit and addiction.
Even if they don’t realize it, all people who successfully quit smoking go through the 4 stages. Maybe not in the right order, but they do go through the 4 stages.
But if you go through the stages in the right order and while following a system, quitting becomes easy and natural.
That’s why anyone, no matter how long you’ve been smoking, can become a happy non-smoker with the CBQ Method.
The 4 stages typically last 12 days, but you can go through them at your own pace.
With the CBQ method you will have a precise roadmap that will change how you think and feel about smoking, and how you act without cigarettes, so you have no trouble quitting.
CBQ stands for Cognitive Behavioral Quitting.
- The Cognitive part changes how you think and feel about smoking
- The Behavioral part changes how you act so you break the smoking habit
- And the Quitting part prepares you to be a happy non-smoker for life
The Science Behind the CBQ Method
The CBQ method is based on neuroscience, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Neurolinguistic Programming, plus extensive research on addiction and habit formation.
Every time you run into one of your smoking triggers, a small area in your brain lights up to create positive smoking thoughts.
This area is called the "Nucleus Accumbens." Think of it as your craving spot. Every time you smoke a cigarette, your brain releases the feel-good chemical, dopamine. Dopamine reaches your craving spot and makes you feel enjoyment, satisfaction and relief.
Your triggers cause you to think about smoking. Thinking about smoking in a positive way (that it helps you), activates your craving spot and makes you desire a cigarette. That’s the reason the cravings don’t go away. They get stronger and stronger unless you smoke.
The CBQ Method™ deactivates your craving spot by rewiring your reaction to your triggers.
In other words, you will not want to smoke when you see, smell or think of smoking. Instead, you will feel indifferent because you no longer desire a cigarette.
The 4 Stages of the CBQ Method
Stage 1. Choose to Quit
In this stage, you start preparing to quit. You make a real decision to improve your health and your life, you understand your addiction, and you commit to quitting smoking.
Stage 2. Change Your Mindset
In this stage, you change how you think about smoking by seeing yourself as a non-smoker instead of a smoker who’s trying to quit and believing that you too can succeed. This removes the fears stopping you from becoming a happy non-smoker.
Stage 3. Change Your Smoking Pattern
In this stage, you eliminate your desire to smoke and rewire all your smoking triggers. This breaks your smoking habit. And at the end of this stage you smoke your last cigarette.
Stage 4. Condition Your Smoke-Free Life
This stage helps you protect your success and adjust to your smoke-free life so you can remain a happy non-smoker for the rest of your life. Without feeling deprived, suffering from stress or gaining weight.
Millions of smokers have gone through this exact 4-stage process and quit successfully.
All 4 stages are essential to quit smoking naturally. Don’t mix up the stages because then quitting becomes hard.
If you follow them correctly, you will go from a lifetime of smoking to a healthy smoke-free life.
Because the steps are clearly defined, they’re easy to follow. That’s why CBQ has a 94% success rate.
How to Start Using the CBQ Method
The only way to apply the CBQ Method step by step is through the CBQ Program.
This program is designed to teach you the CBQ Method in the simplest and fastest way possible. It includes everything you need to become a happy non-smoker.
The videos and exercises are easy to follow. They will take you through the 4 stages of the CBQ so you can quit smoking without stress, willpower or weight gain.
Everything is laid out for you. You don’t have to figure out anything by yourself. You’ll know exactly what to do, and how to do it. And of course, if you need anything, you’ll have help from our support team.
The CBQ Program is an award winning program designed so you can see results in the fastest time possible. Imagine in as little as 10 days from today you could be enjoying your new life as a non-smoker without the fear of relapse.
Multi-Award Winning Program
Wellbeing Program Specialist of the Year Award
The CBQ Program has won multiple awards for its high success rate, customer service, and revolutionary approach.
What You Get in The CBQ Program
- 12 Days of training videos & exercises that will guide you step by step to stop smoking forever on day 10.
- You will learn cognitive behavioral therapy techniques that will challenge your thought patterns about smoking so that you can change your smoking behavior.
- You will be guided through the 4 stages that you need to go through in order to quit smoking.
- You will discover how to deal with and eliminate those frustrating cravings so that as each day passes during the program, you will desire cigarettes less and less.
- You will learn visualization techniques so that you can see yourself as a non smoker.
- You will discover how to change your negative thoughts by changing your focus from your fears to your strengths and from the negatives of quitting smoking to the positives.
- You will discover the 2 ways to eliminate the fear of quitting smoking and how to believe you can quit smoking and manage your emotions without cigarettes.
- You will discover what your smoking pattern is and how you can change it.
- You will learn what the 4 main smoking triggers are so you can identify your own triggers and eliminate them.
- You will learn the pleasure and pain principle and how this affects your smoking behavior.
- You will learn psychological techniques of how to associate quitting smoking with pleasure.
- You will learn how to change your smoking behavior by interrupting your smoking pattern.
- You will discover how to avoid weight gain and enjoy social occasions better as a non-smoker.
- You will learn how to replace your smoking pattern so that you get out of the habit of reaching for your next cigarette.
- You will learn how to prevent a relapse even during a crisis so that you won’t go back to smoking.
- Plus you will have easy to follow daily exercises that will help reduce your dependency on cigarettes.
- And much more!
What Happens on The CBQ Program Day by Day
CBQ Program VS. Other Methods
CBQ Program | 1 on 1 Counselling Therapy | Nicotine Patch, Gum, Inhaler & Lozenges | Vaping | Cold Turkey | Chemical Pills | |
Mental & Physical Dependence on Smoking | LOW. Shows you how to relax, feel good and live without nicotine | LOW. Shows you how to relax, feel good and live without nicotine | HIGH. You depend on nicotine to relax & feel good | HIGH. You depend on nicotine to relax & feel good | MEDIUM. You don’t depend on nicotine to relax & feel good but you don’t know alternative ways to relax either. | MEDIUM. You don’t depend on nicotine to relax & feel good but you don’t know alternative ways to relax either. |
Time | 12 days | 6 Sessions or More | 12 weeks | Lifetime habit & cost | 1 Day to 3 months | 12 weeks or longer |
Price for indicated time | $999 | $1350 | $800 | $2984 (in the next 5 years) | Free | $517 |
Side Effects | Up to 4 mild cravings on the 10th day, coughing from flushing out nicotine toxins, slight headache in the morning of the 8th, 9th and 10th day | Mild and frequent cravings, headaches, coughing from flushing out nicotine toxins |
The chemical flavourings cause lung disease “popcorn lung”, rash, dry eyes, minor blood nose issues |
Cause of Relapse | Not finishing the program, not applying the strategies learned | Not completing the therapy, not applying the strategies learned | Stress, missing the hand-mouth action of smoking | Missing the “real thing” & the cigarette taste | Stress, cravings, weight gain, depression, missing the hand-mouth action of smoking | Stress, depression, feeling sick, missing cigarettes |
Success Rate | High | High | Low | Low | Medium | Low |
Guarantee | 60 Day - 100% Money Back Guarantee | No Guarantee | No Guarantee | No Guarantee | No Guarantee | No Guarantee |
You Also Get Access To Our Private Members Only Facebook Support Group!
It has been proven by research (Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology) that feeling supported increases your success rate.
When you are surrounded by like-minded people who are going through the same journey, you are much more likely to overcome your challenges and quit smoking successfully.
Below are the benefits of being part of our Private Members Only Facebook Group:
- You get to ask Nasia Davos and the CBQ Team questions and get our full support through the program.
- You can interact with other members and get support as well as offer support to others in the group.
- You won’t feel alone while quitting because you will be part of a group of people who are going through the same process and will support you every step of the way.
Note: If you don't use Facebook, you can always get support via email from our team of coaches.
Your Success Certificate
When you quit you can request your CBQ Quit Smoking Success Certificate, so you can have it as a reminder of your achievement.
Our members love it and it makes them (and us) so proud!
The Smoke-Free Guarantee
60-Day Money Back Guarantee. (Thats 100% Risk-Free for You)
I know that The CBQ Program is the missing link between you and your smoke-free life, that's why I want to make this a no-brainer for you and offer you a 60-Day 100% risk-free money back guarantee.
You have 60 days to go through the program.
And if you go through the program and you don’t quit smoking, just email us and we will refund your money in full.
In fact, if you finish the program and don’t quit for any reason, I insist you ask for a refund, and I’ll be more than happy to give you all your money back.
After seeing the effect of this program on the countless of ex-smokers who have joined, I am confident that it will also help you succeed and remain a happy non-smoker for the rest of your life.
Here’s How Much Money You Can Save With The CBQ Program
Smoking not only hurts your health but your wallet, too.
We’ve created a calculator that shows you how much better your finances will be the moment you become a happy non-smoker for life:
That’s another reason for you to join the CBQ Program. And remember, you’re protected by our 60-day money back guarantee.
So you risk nothing. You either quit and save all that smoking money… or you get your money back.
Everything You Get When You Join Today
- Lifetime Access to the CBQ Program: 12-day step by step training program (videos + worksheets) where you quit smoking on day 10. The CBQ program takes you from a lifetime of smoking to a happy smoke-free life.
- Email Support: Our team of coaches are always here to help you if you have any questions or need support.
- The Smoke-Free 60-day Guarantee: If you complete the program and don't quit, you can ask for a full refund within 60 days.
- Success Certificate: When you complete the program, you can request your certificate after being smoke free for 2 months.
- Private Community where you can get support and ask questions.
Yes Nasia!
I Want to Join The CBQ Program Now and Quit Smoking in 10 Days...
Payment Plan Option
Get Instant Access with 2 installments of $510 each
2 Payments of $510 USD
First payment today and second payment in 30 days.
What Happens After You Order
Click the Add to Cart above, and you will see a secure checkout page where you can enter your billing details.
After you order, you will get an email with your login details and instructions to Instantly access your program
Simply log in to your members area and instantly start watching the program.
Frequently Asked Questions
Everything You Get When You Join Today
- Lifetime Access to the CBQ Program: 10-day step by step training program (videos + worksheets) to take you from a lifetime of smoking to a happy smoke-free life.
- Email Support: Our team of coaches are always here to help and customize the program to your needs. (Light & heavy smokers, addicted to vaping or nicotine substitutes)
- The Smoke-Free 60-day Guarantee: If you complete the program and don't quit, you can ask for a full refund within 60 days.
- Success Certificate: When you complete the program, you can request your certificate after being smoke free for 2 months.
- Private Community where you can get support and ask questions.
Click the Add-To-Cart Button Below to Join The CBQ Program Now
Payment Plan Option
Get Instant Access with 2 installments of $510 each
2 Payments of $510 USD
First payment today and second in 30 days.