Embark on a Life-Changing Journey: Become a CBQ Licensed Coach
After years of anticipation and countless inquiries, we're thrilled to finally announce a unique opportunity: becoming a certified quit smoking coach in the CBQ Method. This isn't just a coaching program; it's a path to making a substantial difference, a chance to guide others to a smoke-free life using a proven, doctor-recommended, award-winning method that's reputable and effective.
By becoming a CBQ Licensed Coach you will change lives, including your own. I believe we’re on this planet to do good and share our gifts with others. There is no better feeling than loving the work you do, knowing you’ve touched other lives with your life, and leaving a legacy that way. So, join us on this extraordinary path where you will learn and grow, both professionally and personally. Becoming a CBQ Licensed Coach is not simply about career advancement; it's about being part of a larger movement, spreading hope, and creating a physically and mentally healthier world one person at a time. Your exciting journey into the world of the CBQ Method starts here!
Why Become a CBQ Licensed Coach?
Imagine a career that amplifies purpose, passion, and potential. As a CBQ Licensed Coach, you'll:
- Help others stop smoking with a proven method known for its high success rate and real transformational success stories.
- Develop and improve your knowledge and skills in smoking cessation - even if you’re new to this field - and increase the success rate of your clients.
- Feel confident that you can help every person that walks though your door.
- Enjoy a flexible career that lets you work from anywhere in the world.
- Get financially rewarded for doing fulfilling work that makes a difference!
- Thrive within a supportive network of professionals who are as dedicated, educated, and skilled as you.
Outdated Smoking Cessation Trainings
It’s no lie that existing smoking cessation trainings, often backed by pharmaceutical companies, consistently miss the mark. I’ll leave it up to you to draw your conclusions as to why this happens. These outdated trainings don't provide practitioners with the effective strategies needed to genuinely help smokers overcome their addiction. As a result, practitioners are left feeling inadequate, unsupported, and fraught with anxiety, unable to serve the way they intend to. I speak from experience, having participated in these courses myself.
If you have seen the countless inspiring success stories on the CBQ Method Success Page (or maybe you’re one of them!), you have already noticed there’s a stark difference between smokers who quit using traditional approaches and the CBQ Program members; a difference in happiness, mindset, and life transformation.
What sets CBQ apart is its innovative approach. The CBQ Method doesn't just treat the symptoms of addiction but directly addresses the underlying addictive mindset, using a logical process, and a set of principles that help smokers and vapers transform their minds and behaviors.
On the other hand, traditional quit smoking approaches are not designed to ignite a transformation. Standard counselor trainings aim to get a smoker to deny their desire for cigarettes for as long as possible. This does not work.
Kay, an Advanced Practice Nurse in the United States, and highly sought-out Wellness Coach, who quit smoking with The CBQ Program in 2019, described the problem perfectly:
“So I'm an advanced practice nurse, so I look at things from a clinical perspective. I've offered smoking cessation classes, ironically to patients, things like that. So I know what's out there in terms of resources, in terms of the gum, the patches, the programs, the cold turkey, the this, the that. And I always felt empty when I was offering it to people, because I knew no matter what I gave them it was going to be a struggle and a hit or miss. And it came down to if they had it in them to fight the urges and the impulse.” (Source)
I’ve had a similar experience on my own. During a certification course with United Kingdom’s National Centre for Smoking Cessation and Training, I saw something that shocked me. Quit smoking practitioners have to routinely monitor their clients' carbon monoxide levels in order to check if they have smoked, implying progress is merely a matter of passing "a simple carbon monoxide breath test at every visit." (Source) This is the unsettling reality of how smoking cessation is approached today. Essentially, smokers are being patronized rather than empowered. They're quitting to avoid embarrassment, not because they've lost the desire to smoke: a recipe for failure.
The CBQ coaches and I have never and will never participate in this kind of practice, and here’s why: Our goal is to help smokers break free from addiction. We stand against short-term or band-aid solutions. CBQ Method is designed to reprogram the smoker’s mind back to that of a non-smoker. And a non-smoker simply does not want to smoke anymore.
The existing global approach to smoking cessation needs a complete overhaul. The support smokers receive must be transformed, and this start by transforming the training that quit smoking coaches, counsellors, and practitioners receive. I want to invite you to become part of this meaningful change.
The Journey Awaits: What Your CBQ Licensed Coach Path Looks Like
Step 1: Complete the CBQ Coaching Program. Embark on a 6-month journey where you'll attend weekly live webinars and workshops, immersing yourself in the CBQ Method's intricacies and mastering coaching strategies that will help you help your clients succeed. This certification will qualify you as a life coach and give you a specialization in quitting smoking. You'll get to have a lot of practice during your training, so you can feel confident in your knowledge and skills. Those already qualified in coaching, counseling or therapy can be eligible for the “fast track” program that lasts 4 months.
Step 2: Pass the Coaching Assessment & graduate from the CBQ Coaching Program. Passing the certification exam at the end of the CBQ Coaching Program, will be a testament to the knowledge and skills you acquired in smoking cessation coaching.
Step 3: Get Licensed. By getting licensed, you obtain your passport to practicing and promoting yourself with the CBQ Method. This renewable-yearly license gives you the title of CBQ Licensed Coach and comes with perks, such as listing of your services on the CBQ Method website, ongoing support, Q&A calls with Nasia, and professional development and excellence. For example, you will get access to monthly trainings to help you get clients, handle personal and professional obstacles, and master your coaching and communication skills.
No Experience Yet? No Problem!
Our coaching program welcomes both seasoned professionals and those new to coaching. The course duration is 6 months if you’re new to coaching and 4 months if you have a professional background in coaching, therapy or smoking cessation. Therapists and coaches can still choose to take the 6-month program.
Our comprehensive coaching program and its final assessment, ensures everyone is equipped to handle challenges and affect lasting change to the lives of those struggling with nicotine addiction. We want you to feel confident in your skills and we want you to succeed.
Financial Commitment and Support:
Invest in your future with a coaching program fee of $5,000 USD and an annual license fee of $3,000 USD.
Special limited offer: Join our 2024 cohorts starting January 17, 2024 (closed), March 27, 2024 (full) or September 2024 and we'll waive your first year's license fee!
Payment plan for the coaching program: The investment for the coaching program fee is $5,000 as one payment or 3 monthly payments of $1900 each.
Your CBQ License Includes:
- Global practice: Your license allows you to hold group sessions (up to 10 people) and one on one sessions online or in person creating a local and global impact.
- License to use the CBQ Method professionally and the CBQ Method brand commercially.
- License to use the CBQ Method materials. The CBQ licensing includes a comprehensive set of proprietary materials, including detailed frameworks for cognitive and behavioral change, proprietary worksheets, and guided activities designed to help smokers quit easily and permanently.
- Unique license badge of CBQ Licensed Coach. Your custom badge will be featured next to your name on the CBQ Licensed Coach Directory. You can also use your custom license badge on your website and email signature.
- Get listed on the CBQ Licensed Coach Directory on the CBQ Method website. That way, smokers all around the world who wish to have one on one sessions and quit smoking with the CBQ Method can find you, validate your licensing status and expertise, and reach out to you for help. There will be a dedicated "Find A Coach" tab on the cbqmethod.com website that will list our licensed coaches with a photo, credentials, and short bio. You will appear on the top of the list for smokers located in the same area, state, or country.
- Continuous professional development: Stay at the forefront with access to additional trainings, latest updates, and strategies in smoking cessation, coaching, marketing. Learn how to coach yourself for your own personal wellbeing and development.
- Community engagement: Connect with professionals as passionate, educated and skilled as you, sharing experiences and insights within our private exclusive network.
- Offer access to the multi-award-winning CBQ Program to your clients at a very low fee. For example, you may choose to offer a package to your client that includes the CBQ Program and supporting sessions with you.
- Unwavering specialized support: From a dedicated coaches-only Facebook group to enriching monthly Q&A sessions and professional development calls, you're supported every step of the way.
Staying Ahead:
Yearly license renewals, including an assessment and review, ensure your practice and knowledge remain cutting-edge, keeping you competitive and effective. You will get access to the latest strategies and insights on addiction research and how to use those insights in a practical way.
We will always offer additional support in case you need help to meet the CBQ standard required to renew your yearly license.
Quality and Integrity:
We commit to the highest standards. Regular audits, ethical practice guidelines, and a prohibition on modifying the CBQ Method ensure you're part of a prestigious, reliable network.
Legal Protections:
Your practice is backed by robust legal protections, including copyrights and trademarks, ensuring your career is built on a secure foundation.
Ready to Make a Difference?
If you feel you have a calling for helping others, apply today, and become a force for good. Welcome to a community of physical health and mental change, welcome to the CBQ Method!
CBQ Coaching Program
Purpose: World-renowned education and training on smoking cessation coaching.
- 1. Educational Content: Provides comprehensive training and practice on the CBQ Method, its principles, and application. It doesn't grant the right to use the CBQ Method in practice but equips you with the knowledge.
- 2. Duration and Format: Weekly online seminars and workshops delivered over 6 months. Those already qualified in coaching, counseling or therapy can be eligible for the “fast track” program that lasts 4 months.
- 3. Certification Criteria: To become certified, coaches must attend all sessions (recordings will be available), pass an examination, and demonstrate practical coaching skills.
- 4. Support and Resources: Coaches receive materials, tools, or software needed to understand and eventually implement the methodology. Access to support and discussion is also provided as part of the training.
- 5. No Legal Rights to CBQ Method: Certification acknowledges completion of the educational program but does not confer any rights to use the CBQ Method for commercial or professional purposes.
- 6. No Requirement for Renewal: The certification does not expire and doesn't need to be renewed.
CBQ License
Purpose: Right to practice, professional and commercial use of CBQ Method copyrighted processes, coaching, and brand.
- 1. Right to Practice: The license grants you the right to use the CBQ Method in your professional practice in one on one sessions.
- 2. Use of "CBQ Licensed Coach" title: Licensees can market themselves using this specific title, indicating their official affiliation and level of expertise. Licensees will be provided with a unique license number and an exclusive license badge they can use to demonstrate their expertise.
- 3. Duration and Renewal: The license requires an annual renewal, which includes an assessment and review process to ensure standards are maintained and the licensee has all the tools needed to thrive.
- 4. Ongoing Training and Updates: Access to continuous education, such as case studies, new methodologies, tools, research findings, and best practices in coaching, marketing and personal development is provided as part of the licensing agreement. Guidance to market one's services effectively as a CBQ Licensed Coach will be provided.
- 5. Quality Control & Auditing: The licensing organization reserves the right to audit activities to ensure compliance with the standards of the CBQ Method.
- 6. Restrictions & Limitations: A license restricts one from modifying or adapting the CBQ Method and its components, officially or unofficially, as well as creating derivative works. Specific complementary methodologies that can or cannot be offered alongside CBQ will be outlined.
- 7. Legal Protections: The license is protected under law, and misuse or breach of terms can result in termination of the license.
- 8. Community Network: Licensees become part of a professional community, which includes additional support from peers and the CBQ Method.